The S&P 500 beat both Dow, and Nasdaq in 2021 by the widest margin in 24 years. Here's what history says happens in 2022. - MarketWatch

  1. The S&P 500 beat both Dow, and Nasdaq in 2021 by the widest margin in 24 years. Here's what history says happens in 2022.  MarketWatch
  2. Cheaper Stocks Boost S&P 500’s Prospects in New Year  The Wall Street Journal
  3. Three Monster Years for the S&P 500 Set a Towering Bar for January  Bloomberg
  4. S&P 500 Weekly Price Forecast - The S&P 500 Has Rallied to Close Out the Year  FX Empire
  5. Let's Check the Year-End Market Dashboard to See Where We're Headed Next  RealMoney
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News


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